Keyy Productions Video Production Sydney


Arrilla x Keyy Productions

Voice to Parliament + Cultural Safety Training videos
"I've used a lot of production companies in my time and my experience with Keyy Productions was one of the best.
We would be happy to use (Keyy) again in the future at any time."
Shelley Reys AO Arrilla KPMG
-Shelley Reys AO | CEO, Arrilla Indigenous Consulting
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on YouTube for Voice to Parliament video 
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Highest number of views in LinkedIn Australia's history
in the first 5 days of its release for Voice to Parliament video
Highest number of shares in LinkedIn Australia's history
in the first 5 days of its release for Voice to Parliament Video
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"100% of clients are genuinely moved and say how powerful and impactful the video is for them"
Proudly filmed by Keyy Productions, edited by KPMG
Keyy Productions client
The client

Arrilla delivers a range of services that helps individuals, teams and entire organisations to become competent to work in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander area, or to better understand the nation’s journey to reconciliation and their part to play. Arrilla are proudly supported by KPMG.

Corporate Video project goal
The goal

The goal was to create a range of video assets that leveraged storytelling to connect emotionally with the viewer and make complex topics more accessible, leading to a deeper understanding and meaningful change.

Corporate Video production Sydney
The project

We worked with Arrilla and the KPMG team to create a series of videos including an informative campaign video on the Voice to Parliament to demystify its meaning and assist people in making more informed voting decisions.

Additionally, we developed video assets to promote Arrilla's Cultural Safety workshops and provide facilitators with engaging content for their sessions.

At its core, both projects were about taking complex and sensitive subject matter and using video to communicate these messages in an engaging and impactful way. Storytelling would be at the heart of the project, making difficult content accessible and digestible for Arrilla's clients, community and market. 

To give authority to the messaging the videos would feature pieces-to-camera by Arrilla CEO, Shelley Reys, as well as an emotive narrative that featured First Nations talent.

"The degree of emotional intelligence was exceptionally high,
as well as the director's capability to direct the piece, work with the talent on the day, and bring our key messages to life"
-Shelley Reys AO | CEO, Arrilla Indigenous Consulting
This video contains sensitive subject material. Please take care when viewing. 
If you need help, call 13 YARN or 13 11 14
Corporate Video production Sydney
Our approach

While Arrilla were the subject matter experts, it was important that our production team were the experts in the cultural safety of the talent.

These projects were the perfect candidate for our Safe Storytelling approach to ensure everyone on set were kept safe when dealing with sensitive subject matters and complex material.

During the post-production stage the content was carefully crafted and edited to achieve an emotional connection with the audience, helping the viewer to understand what cultural safety is, and be able to understand what it is like to walk in the shoes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

For the promotional videos, on screen text enhanced the emotive visuals to add nuance to the messaging and drive meaningful impact. 

"The team were really clear about what we were aiming for.
 They had a plan in place and yet there was flexibility to respond to the talent and the circumstances. They were responsive to the sensitive nature of the content and therefore the cultural safety of the talent."
-Shelley Reys AO | CEO, Arrilla Indigenous Consulting
Results of Corporate Video Project
The results

It was a joy working with Shelley and the Arrilla & KPMG teams to create these powerful pieces of content, and we were honoured to be trusted with these complex topics. 

The Voice to Parliament video was the most shared and viewed video in LinkedIn Australia's history on the first 5 days of it release. It was also used by Shelley at keynote addresses and functioned as a standalone piece of educational content that was shared far and wide during the Voice to Parliament campaign. 

The Cultural Safety videos have been highly effective in educating Arrilla's clients, the broader market, and the community about the experiences of First Nations people in the workplace.

The videos used by facilitators during workshops create a platform for deeper and more nuanced discussions with workshop participants. As a result, participants gain a profound understanding of what Cultural Safety truly means and begin to reflect on their own actions and experiences. The videos serve as a catalyst for meaningful change and have lasting impact on the viewer.

"The response to the video was outstanding.
  People felt they could relate to the content and the production levels were such a high level that it gave the viewer a sense that it was information that they could trust."
Shelley Reys AO Arrilla KPMG
-Shelley Reys AO | CEO, Arrilla Indigenous Consulting
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