Keyy Productions Video Production Sydney


Sharesight x Keyy Productions

'Women in Investing' Video Series
Sharesight logo
"The team were very pleased with the finished videos!
It was exactly the direction we wanted. The blend of talent, cinematography, mood, camera angles, and editing was well executed and we were very satisfied with the video quality."
Julie Kim, Marketing Manager at Sharesight
-Julie Kim | Marketing Manager, Sharesight
YouTube logo
126+ new subscribers
on YouTube 
LinkedIn logo
16,555 impressions
on LinkedIn
Website clicks icon
1,050 blog clicks
across the website
Instagram likes
223+ content interactions
on Instagram
Keyy Productions client
The client

Sharesight is a powerful portfolio tracking software that lets investors manage their investments in one place with award-winning performance, dividend tracking and tax reporting.

Corporate Video project goal
The goal

Building on the momentum of International Women’s Day and to position Sharesight as a champion of investment literacy and women’s empowerment, the goal was to execute a month-long 'women in investing' video campaign series to boost awareness and empower female investors.

Corporate Video production Sydney
The project

To connect with more motivated, like-minded female investors, Sharesight wanted to showcase real women and their personal investing stories and their experience with Sharesight.

We worked together to create a collection of three dynamic and personal story videos, each one showcasing a female investor as part of the Sharesight International Women's Day campaign.

On set still from Sharesight video shoot
Still from Sharesight video shoot

The videos would feature a unique narrative for each woman, crafted from candid and authentic interview-led footage and detailing each woman's personal investing journey.

Whilst each story would be purposefully produced to bring a sense of individuality to each woman and her story, the suite of videos would also have a consistent aesthetic and align as a powerful campaign of content.

"Very happy with the whole process, from pre production, planning and execution.
Clear communication was made on the onset, with timelines/deliverables all laid out from the start, so we knew what to expect."
-Julie Kim | Marketing Manager, Sharesight
Corporate Video production Sydney
Our approach

Julie and the team's deep understanding of their audience and how this campaign would be distributed, meant designing the shoot for vertical framing for a social audience.

In the edit, personality-driven visuals and supplied photographs were utilised to highlight key parts of each woman's story and create a more authentic emotional connection for the viewer. 

Interviewing women about their journey with Sharesight
Sharesight corporate video project stills

In order to create a distinct aesthetic for this campaign, we carefully selected a colour that represented each person to form the backdrop to their story.

These colours created a sophisticated, warm tonal palette which ensured each individual story was in conversation with the wider campaign.

These backgrounds also provided negative space for on-screen text and graphics.

"The shoot day went smoothly and on schedule without any issues.
The team was highly professional and a pleasure to work with, making the talents feel comfortable with plenty of rehearsal time and continuous guidance. We had complete trust in the team’s expertise and didn’t need to intervene at all."
-Julie Kim | Marketing Manager, Sharesight
Results of Corporate Video Project
The results

The final suite of videos supported and elevated Sharesight's wider IWD campaign, and were used across multiple digital platforms including Sharesight's EDM's, socials, and blog.

The Sharesight team not only saw great engagement results across their LinkedIn, Youtube, and Instagram accounts, but they also saw a direct correlation between their content going live and new signups, which was the ultimate goal.

Behind the scenes of the Sharesight video shoot
LinkedIn comments from Sharesights IWD campaign

Sharesight's LinkedIn channel saw over 16,555 impressions, but more importantly, they received many comments and engagement from their target audience and online community. 

The objective was to position Sharesight as a champion of investment literacy and women’s empowerment, and this kind of social engagement strengthens the affinity with their brand. 

Sharesight logo
"Thank you again to the Keyy team for executing our campaign idea, and for bringing it to life!
We look forward to maintaining a long-term relationship and creating many amazing projects together."
Julie Kim Marketing Manager Sharesight
-Julie Kim | Marketing Manager, Sharesight
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