Our 5 Trend Predictions For 2021

January 14, 2021
Published by
Keyy Productions Team

At the time of writing this it's January 2021, and in Australia the Covid-19 situation is pretty well under control compared to other nations around the world - which we consider ourselves very lucky and grateful to be able to say. But if 2020 has taught us anything, it's that life can change at a moment's notice. So what's in store for 2021? How do we set our businesses up for success in what could be another unpredictable year? What trends should we expect to see and prepare our businesses for?

Well, we don't have all the answers, but all things according to plan (haha!) here are some of our predictions for what's in store for 2021. And you might be pleased to know that this list does not mention the C-word once (the virus one… not the other one).


Wow, humans. We've officially shortened out attention span again. So much so, that brands are now cramming all their advertising into just 6-seconds of video. (Next time you're on YouTube, watch for how many of these shorter-style ads play before or during your content. Also, is it just us or are there WAY more YouTube ads now?). Despite their smaller size, this type of content still packs a punch. They're a straight-to-the-point kind of conversation with the viewer which forces a marketing team to think creatively about how to capture our attention AND deliver their message in just 6 seconds.

And it's not just the digital media world that is starting to adopt this trend. TV stations are selling 6 second ad slots during big sporting matches, and 53% of marketers are using them with 80% rating them as effective. So expect to see more bite-sized content, and if you haven't already, it's time to start considering how you can get your message out into the world in just 6 seconds.


These are not new, but we've noticed a trend in how big brands are adopting gifs into their social media marketing, and we reckon it's only going to get gif-ier out there! Gifs bring still photos to life with that classic jumpy, edgy, retro-yet-also-modern style. They diversify your campaign and compliment your photo and video content.

Until recently, gifs were associated with meme culture and brands seemed to leave them to the subreddits and group chats. But now the stop-motion animated gif has become a powerful marketing tool, so much so that it's now uncool to NOT use gifs and animation.


We know, we know. We're all sick of Zoom. But Virtual and Digital Events are here to stay. At least in Australia, whole cities and states can be locked down with only a few hours notice and that kind of unpredictability makes in-person events incredibly risky, expensive, and impossible to plan with any certainty. Basically an Event Organiser's nightmare.

But it's not all bad. We helped clients take the party online in 2020, and they loved the outcome so much they've decided to keep the online format for 2021 so the celebrations can continue regardless of what's happening with restrictions, lock downs, and anything else that is trying to rain on our party parade. And there are some pro's to virtual events; you can swap walking across a stage to collect an award for interviews with finalists + touching stories so you can get to know winners and finalists way better than you would from your banquet table mid meal. Virtual Events also allow for a wider attendance so international colleagues, family, and friends can tune in from anywhere in the world and join in the celebrations. Here's an example of a digital event we created for the NSW Health Excellence in Nursing & Midwifery Awards, and we're looking forward to filming more events in this format in 2021.


Brands are starting to take stock and re-evaluate what they stand for, which is always a good thing. Just like the footwear brand Twoobs, who recently announced they were prioritising people over profit by removing any footwear from their range that weren't able to be made from recycled materials and that steered them away from their goal of becoming Australia's most sustainable footwear brand in 2021. They've acknowledged that this decision might affect their bottom line as they can no longer offer their full range, but they'd rather know they were prioritising the more important things; you know, like the environment... You can read their full statement here. (We are in no way affiliated with Twoobs, just in awe.)

We reckon (and hope!) we'll be seeing more of this positive social change in 2021 from brands all around the world, with whole campaigns and video content dedicated to announcing their change, and we're really excited for more positive impact businesses!


Have you heard? Having No Meetings is the new Having Meetings! The average employee spends a fifth of their working hours in meetings, not to mention the added time it takes to detour via the coffee station. And as we learnt in 2020, virtual meetings are just as fatiguing as IRL ones. To combat time-wasting meetings, many workplaces are now embracing the ‘No Meeting Day' approach, which sees teams elect specific days each week where ZERO meetings are scheduled so that team mates can complete their work uninterrupted. Sounds heavenly, really...

Important, closing-the-deal, special meetings are exempt from the rule, but any unnecessary meetings are canned in replace of a more focused, in-the-zone day of productivity. What about quick, short meetings? Well, even those still have 'productivity lag' either side. If you know you've got a meeting in 10 minutes you won't start any big tasks that you'll have to abandon half way through, essentially moving into a waiting or holding pattern until the meeting starts, plus it takes an average of 23 mins to get back into the work flow after a meeting. So suddenly, a 30 minute meeting turns into and hour of your employees' time. Whilst some meetings are still necessary and important, factoring a No Meeting Day into your work week could be just what your team needs.


So while none of us really know what 2021 will look like, what the new normal will be, or how to expect the unexpected, we’ll certainly be taking some of these trends on board as we move into 2021 and we look forward to sharing some of them with you! Particularly in the line of 6 second videos, gifs, and caring more for the environment! Woohoo!!! Here we go 2021…. Let’s (PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!) make it a good one!

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