7 Types Of Videos Every Online Course Needs

July 7, 2021
Published by
Keyy Productions Team

So you've decided to make an Online Course and you know it needs to include video content, but what kind of videos are we talking about here? Apart from the filmed lessons and more obvious content requirements, you're going to want to create a range of different kinds of videos to keep your course easy to follow, engaging, and dynamic.

Here are 7 types of videos we recommend you include in your online course for maximum impact:

1) The Introduction Video

This is one of the most important videos of your course, even though it won't include any course content or assignments. The introduction video should be all about setting the tone for the course, introducing yourself, your story, and how the course came to be. Once people are on board with you, they're much more likely to be on board with everything you have to teach.

Woman in white shirt presents an Online Course

We recommend keeping this video candid, warm, and a true reflection of your personality and brand tone. It doesn't need to feel overly rehearsed and perfect, but rather breed a sense of confidence and authority that your students can trust. If you haven't had much experience on camera, it's a good idea to take some Presenting On Camera training before you start filming your course so you have plenty of tips and tricks at your disposal to come across naturally on camera.

2) Course Structure video

For all those organisational types out there, this video is going to be their fave, because it explains what to expect for the online course, the structure, and how a student should progress through the modules. In this video it's important to clearly communicate any deadlines, how assignments should be submitted, the order of the lessons, and anything else someone needs so they can schedule accordingly and get the most out of your online course.

3) Practical Examples and Applications

People are signing up to your course to learn from you and your unique method, approach or style. This means they want to see you doing the very thing you're teaching! Depending on your industry and your course structure, this could take on various forms. For example, if you're teaching Photography, you can complete the very assignment you’re setting your students so they can see how a pro approaches the project. Or if you're creating a Social Media Marketing course, show your students an example of how you would create and implement a strategy from start to finish.

Often when we see an example from a trusted source like the course instructor, it gives us the confidence to give it a go ourselves, using the practical example as a reference point to guide us through the process.

4) Behind the scenes content

Online learners are looking for an authentic and honest connection to their teachers, so including behind the scenes video content only helps to build and strengthen this relationship. Some ideas for this kind of content include:

  • Spend the day with me: A unique insight into how someone in your field ACTUALLY spends their day. Think a 'get ready with me' or a 'come to work with me' video.
  • Bloopers: People love a good blooper moment, and while it's easy to overdo these, a few here and there or a compilation of your best bloopers can be a great way to humanise you to your audience
  • The bits no one tells you: Show the grittier, behind-the-glamour side of your job or industry. Your students will feel more connected and appreciative of the honest insights you have to offer.

A woman sitting at a desk on her iPad doing work

5) Examples of previous students work

Showcasing the work of your alumni gives your current students an insight into how other students progressed through the course and created their own work or outcomes. Including previous students' work is a great benchmark for your course, and gives a more diverse range of skill sets for your students to use as references.

You can analyse and break down previous students work (with their permission) to show your current students things they should be thinking about. It's a great way to provide course content without it having to take the form of a traditional lesson. Teaching through example!

6) Testimonials from previous students

While people are still getting to know you and your course, it can be very beneficial to include testimonials from previous students. This can provide extra inspiration for your current students to complete all the necessary activities, assignments or exercises in your course.

A testimonial from a man on an online course.

A great testimonial video includes the 'before' and 'after'; the 'before' is a great time for your alumni to talk about any trepidations they had going into the course, or what their life or career was like before they completed your course. Your current students might be feeling a similar way, so hearing the same thing from an alumni can ease their worries and make them more excited to make their way through the course, plus hearing the ‘after’ will only incentivise them more to keep going!

And better yet, a testimonial video can be used to market and advertise your course, so you can film this content once but use it in multiple ways throughout your course and during promotion. Win win!

7) Bonus videos

Once a particular course or section is complete, you can offer bonus videos for those who want to absorb even more course content from you. Bonus videos could include additional practical exercises that expand on that lesson's teachings, feature interviews with thought-leaders in your industry, or extra lessons for those who want more advanced content.

Bonus videos allow you to offer additional content that isn't necessary to complete the course, but offers a wealth of additional resource and inspiration for your students.

Online Course Video Production

Creating an online course isn’t to be underestimated, but if done well, it will certainly bring a huge reward, not only from an ROI point-of-view, but also from the incredible feeling of being able to teach and engage an infinite number of students. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed as to how to create your online course or even where to start, we can help you with all aspects of online course video production. Check out our Videos for Online Courses page or get in touch with one of our friendly Creative Producers today!

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