Videos for websites

Everything your need to know about video content for websites and how to keep your visitors engaged
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With the prediction that online videos will account for 82% of all internet traffic by 2022, it's a no-brainer that videos for websites are becoming one of the most important and common types of video content created by brands all around the world. There's never been a better time to invest in content for your business's slice of online real estate: your website!

Having video on your business website can greatly influence your website users and increase your overall conversions. Potential customers come to your website to find out more about your product or service, and to find ways to connect more with your brand. Using website videos will build trust and educate these potential buyers, whilst keeping them on your site for longer.

Want to create videos for your website? Get in touch with one of our creative producers today!

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Website videos improve SEO

With 93% of online experiences starting with a search engine, you need to be doing everything you can to show up on that first page, and Google is increasingly prioritising websites with video content. Two major metrics that Google uses for search engine results ranking are the length of time that visitors spend on a site, and the number of backlinks referring back to the domain; and having website videos helps with both of these metrics. Video keeps visitors on your site for longer, by engaging and educating them (studies show that people spend twice as long on a page with video than without!). Website videos enhance the quality of your overall site content which increases your chances of backlinks.

Build trust with your audience

People buy from people. And that means they'll choose businesses that they feel connected to and trusting in. Your potential customers want to know who they're buying from, and what kind of service they can expect. Having a brand video on your homepage will build a connection with your website visitors in your brand and your people. And using explainer or promo videos for your products and services, will help to educate your potential customers and build trust with them in your brand and your offering. This will ultimately lead to more website conversions and an increased ROI on your marketing spend.

Types of website videos

Video content has multiple applications across your website to elevate your brands aesthetic, keep visitors engaged, and convert more leads. Here are some of the most common uses for video on websites:

Website banner videos

These videos are short, sharp and instantly engaging. Website banner videos are often the first thing visitors will see when they land on your site so they're an excellent tool for very quickly conveying the feel of your brand and the quality of your products or services. Set your business apart from the rest by utilising a banner video on your homepage.

Landing page videos

If you've managed to funnel potential customers to a landing page, use video to keep their attention in those crucial first moments of arriving on your website. Speak directly to your captive audience and move more leads to the next stage of your funnel or strategy. 

Website homepage videos

Set a powerful and authentic first impression of your brand with homepage videos. Case study videos and customer tesimonial videos are incredibly effective for building immediate trust in your brand, while interview and story videos will connect with your audience and represent your brand authentically. A product or service promo will authoritatively position your brand as a leader in the marketplace.

'About Us' brand videos

Brand videos are the most effective and powerful way to introduce your business or brand to your website visitors, convey your key messaging and mission, and ultimately entice your potential customers into converting.

The best videos for websites

We've created website video content for brands all over Australia. Here's the types of videos that are most suited for websites and why:

Product or service videos

Introduce your product or service to your website visitors in an efficient and effective way. These videos are excellent tools for educating your customers and highlighting the best features that you have to offer.
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Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos

Testimonial videos are the most effective way to build trust and credibility with your audience. Use them as social proof to convert your website visitors quicker.
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Brand story videos

Authentically introduce your potential customers to your brand through a story video. There's no better way to convey your brand voice and messaging, and connect with your potential customers on a deep level.
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Explainer videos

A perfectly placed explainer video can communicate information to your website visitor at the perfect stage of their customer journey. Teach them how to use your product or services to build your brand's authority.
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To learn more about our full range of video content, get in touch!
